Pablo de Olavide University: Seville - Multidisciplinary Studies Program
- Location(s): Spain
- Program Type(s): Study Abroad
Pablo de Olavide University
32 reviews
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The Multidisciplinary Studies Program is designed for students who wish to spend a semester or a year abroad while continuing their university studies. While it offers advanced courses in Spanish, it also caters to the needs of those with little o... read more
All Reviews
It was so worthwhile to study abroad!! It challenged me so much and I grew so much as a person. I learned so much about Spain and the world. It's hard to explain how much living in another place changes you for the better. :) A student - Presbyterian College View Entire Review
Language skills and perspective on Spanish society, politics, ethics, and overall operations. Absolutely. Julia G - Presbyterian College View Entire Review
It was very worthwhile. Seth W - Presbyterian College View Entire Review
I learned when something doesn't go your way, to sit back relax and not let it ruin your time. Jonathan D - Presbyterian College View Entire Review
Best experience of my life. I now speak Spanish much better. A student - Presbyterian College View Entire Review
Definitely worthwhile. I learned a lot about traveling. Jane R - The College of William and Mary View Entire Review
Yes it was a great experience I learned a lot from the people and absorbed a lot of the culture. Jeanna R - New Mexico State University View Entire Review
Studying abroad is one of the best things you can do for yourself. It is important to be globally aware especially as globalization increases. You learn a lot about yourself and others while abroad. Lena E - New Mexico State University View Entire Review

It was AMAZING and beyond worthwhile!!!!!! Candy M - New Mexico State University View Entire Review
Past Review
Spain Was Great, And This Dang Survey Won't Let Me Submit Without A Title. So Here Ya Go
Absolutely - I grew a lot personally and had a great experience learning about another culture. Was it all wine and roses? No, but even the mistakes I made were learning experiences Patrick K - Presbyterian College View Entire Review
Extremely worthwhile. Now I really want to return and travel more. I am now considering teaching English in Spain for a year after I graduate. Alice P - Presbyterian College View Entire Review
This study abroad program was such a huge impact in my life and one that I would not change for anything. It definitely taught me to open up the world, mainly in different people, beliefs, cultures, customs etc. When you are able to travel and live in a foreign country like that, the things you pick up and learn are truly invalu... Zachry B - New Mexico State University View Entire Review
I learned to apprecaite other cultures, values and customs. I have changed my outlook and have realized that there is much more to the world than what we are taught in America. I would highly recommend studying abroad. It is challenging but is one of the most valuable experiences I have ever had. While you are at it, be sure ... Callie C - New Mexico State University View Entire Review
I gained an understanding and appreciation for a different language and culture. Yes it was completely worth while, and I loved my experience. Anna S - Presbyterian College View Entire Review
I learned not to be afraid to ask for help, I learned that (most of the time) people are actually really nice and willing to help you, I learned that I am much more capable of dealing with problems that I thought. I learned that I don't really like Spanish food. It was 100% worth while. Helen D - Presbyterian College View Entire Review
My experience abroad taught me so much. One example is that I gained a true appreciation for traveling. By going to so many places, it only made me want to go to that many more. It was so worthwhile, and I would recommend it to everyone. A student - Presbyterian College View Entire Review
I learned about other cultures and gained a new sense of independence. It was completely worthwhile. A student - Presbyterian College View Entire Review
I learned so much from my experience abroad. It was a life-changing experience, absolutely worthwhile, and I would do it again in a heartbeat. It helped me realize that I definitely want to work/live abroad in the future. A student - Presbyterian College View Entire Review
My language skills have improves immensely. This experience allowed me to learn so many things about other cultures as well as my own. You can read all you want about other cultures but you never really understand them until you experience them first hand. It was also very interesting to see how other people view the United Stat... Kayla J - New Mexico State University View Entire Review
Yes. Will R - Presbyterian College View Entire Review
Definitely! I got to experience another culture. I got to be thrown into situations in which I was challenged to figure out solutions. I learned how to survive in a foreign city (that is, how to use a map, how to figure out a cities transportation infrastructure, how to find an affordable hostel, how to plan a trip with friends,... Kaitlyn O - Presbyterian College View Entire Review
Yes. I learned a lot about myself, learned a lot from school, and even learned a little Spanish. Hannah B - New Mexico State University View Entire Review
From language development to cultural understanding, from weekend travels to intellectual growth, this experience was worthwhile. Devin B - The College of William and Mary View Entire Review

My experience was absolutely worthwhile. I would go again in a minute if allowed the opportunity. History classes in the US don't always cover Spain/Spanish history/Spanish culture very well (apart from financing Columbus and conquering much of Latin America) or talk much, if at all, about Portugal) or how northern Africa infl... Larissa H - Juniata College View Entire Review
The study abroad was definitely worthwhile. Not only did my Spanish drastically improve, but I was able to gain knowledge about different cultures and people. I've learned how to open up, adapt to different environments, and to be more diverse. Ebony S - New Mexico State University View Entire Review
The Multidisciplinary Studies Program is designed for students who wish to spend a semester or a year abroad while continuing their university studies. While it offers advanced courses in Spanish, it also caters to the needs of those with little or no prior knowledge of the language, offering Spanish classes at six different levels and classes taught in English in many academic areas including Business, Psychology, Political Science, Science, etc. A placement test at the beginning of the program will determine the language level of each student. Courses are equivalent to 6 ECTS credits (3 US credits) unless otherwise specified.
Program Type(s):
Study AbroadProgram Length(s):
- Fall
- Spring
Instruction Language(s):
- Spanish
- English
Language Requirement(s):
- English
Relevant Study Subject(s):
- Communication and Media Studies
- Computer and Information Sciences
- Bilingual and Multicultural Education
- Foreign Languages and Literatures
- Spanish Language, Literature
- Foods and Nutrition
- Literature
- Biology and Biomedical Sciences
- Cultural Studies
- Religion / Religious Studies
- Chemistry
- Psychology
- Economics
- International Relations
- Political Science and Government
- Business Administration and Management
Minimum GPA:
2.75Year Founded:
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