NRCSA: Poitiers - University of Poitiers

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The University of Poitiersis is one of the oldest universities in France. Courses are held in the Faculté des Lettres building of the campus. The university is a member of the Association des Directeurs des Centres Universitaires d'Etudes Français... read more

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The University of Poitiersis is one of the oldest universities in France. Courses are held in the Faculté des Lettres building of the campus. The university is a member of the Association des Directeurs des Centres Universitaires d'Etudes Françaises pour Etrangers (A.D.C.U.E.F.E.) and has therefore signed a quality charter.

Students from all over the world, of various ages, come to study in Poitiers. The courses are designed for private individuals, groups, university students, and teachers.

All the teachers have lots of experience in teaching French as a foreign language, and are used to working together. Moreover, each instructor has specialized knowledge in a more specific field such as civilization, didactics, linguistics and literature. Students are very appreciative of the fact that teachers are always available and attentive to their needs.

Program Type(s):
Study Abroad
Program Length(s):
  • Fall
  • Spring
  • Academic Year
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