Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Taiwan

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Middlebury Schools Abroad

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Study Abroad Reviews for Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Taiwan

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Kaohsiung is known as Taiwan’s Harbor Capital and is located on the island’s southwest coast, sitting at the intersection of the mountains and the sea. Both the downtown and major port have gone through recent revitalizations, and the city now boa... read more

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Kaohsiung is known as Taiwan’s Harbor Capital and is located on the island’s southwest coast, sitting at the intersection of the mountains and the sea. Both the downtown and major port have gone through recent revitalizations, and the city now boasts cultural and artistic venues, Taiwan’s biggest night market, and pleasant weather throughout the year. Our host institution, National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU), consistently ranks in the top ten universities in Taiwan. The university enrolls just over 10,000 students a year, split almost evenly among undergraduates and graduates. Students are able to take part in a variety of activities on and off the NSYSU campus, which is well connected to the city by public transit.

Program Type(s):
Study Abroad
Program Length(s):
  • Fall
  • Spring
  • Academic Year
Instruction Language(s):
  • Chinese - Mandarin
Relevant Study Subject(s):
  • East Asian Studies
  • East Asian Languages, Literature
  • Chinese Language, Literature
  • International Relations
Minimum GPA:
Year Founded:
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