A Healthy Challenge Past Review

By (Middlebury College) - abroad from 08/29/2018 to 12/16/2018 with

Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Hangzhou

What did you gain/learn from your experience abroad? Was it worthwhile?
My language skill improved, my perspective on my own racial and cultural identity evolved, and I experienced my first semester where I really had to work to be make myself happy. It was not easy, sometimes it was downright awful, but in hindsight the semester was very worth it.

Review Photos

Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Hangzhou Photo Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Hangzhou Photo

Personal Information

How much international exposure did you have prior to this program? 1 month - 6 months

Review Your Program

* Overall educational experience

Academic rigor, intensity, resources, etc.

While I experienced some personal struggles abroad as a heritage student, I believe the program was well constructed and supported me enough during my time in China. I was really pleased with academics there. Most classes were interesting (even though the homework could be monotonous), and I feel like I learned a lot.

* Host Country Program Administration

On-site administration of your program

I felt heard and appreciated the administration for adjusting components of the program (for example the Museum volunteering shifts) in accordance with our feedback to the best of their ability. I felt like the staff cared about me and were looking out for my best interests.

* Housing:

How satisfied were you with your living arrangements?

We lived in an international students dorm and attended classes, activities, and meetings there which felt like being stuck in a bubble. The rooms were good for China university dorm standards, but they were quite dated and basic by American standards. It was nice to have a kitchen and free laundry right across the hall.

* Food:

The dining hall food on campus was not my favorite, but since I ate out for almost every meal with a friend, I really enjoyed the food. There were a great variety of restaurants right outside of the west gate on campus, and the prices of many of those places were very comparable to paying for a meal at the dining hall.

* Social & Cultural Integration:

How integrated did you feel with the local culture?

I felt very isolated from the local community. We lived apart from normal students, couldn't talk to other international students because of language pledge, and had few opportunities to meet local students. I wasn't particularly close with my Chinese roommate, so I never connected with her friends on campus, which would probably be the most natural way to connect with local culture.

* Health Care:

How well were health issues addressed during the program?

I experienced an allergic reaction during the program and was very well taken care of. The program assistant director came back to campus at 9pm to help me navigate the local hospital. I was amazed at how easy, inexpensive, and effective treatment was. It only took around 20 minutes from the moment we walked into the emergency room until we walked back out, and the treatment (two prescriptions and an injection) were only around $9USD total without insurance. While my experience at the hospital may not reflect others' experiences, I was very impressed and satisfied.

* Safety:

I felt very personally safe on campus and navigating the city, but there were a few local incidents during our time there that were a little alarming. The one I remember particularly well was our program assistant director warning us about other international students outside the program arrested for dealing drugs (and having to attend a drug prevention seminar as a result).

If you could do it all over again would you choose the same program? Yes

I struggled personally, but I feel like the growth and challenges I overcame while abroad made the shortcomings reasonable.


* Money: How easily were you able to live on a student's budget?

(1 = not very easy/$200+ on food & personal expenses/week, 2.5 = $100/week, 5 = very easily/minimal cost)

Budgeting was not a problem. Aside from the program fees, the cost of living in China is very low for students living in dorms. Meals cost between 20~60 yuan per day (in general), there wasn't really any need for shopping beyond personal gifts or snacks, public transport was incredibly cheap, and I never had a problem. If you want to travel during break, you will want to budget more carefully, because you'll have to take housing, transportation, and discretionary spending into account.

Not including program expenses, about how much money did you spend on food and other expenses each week? ~$100
Do you have any general money-saving tips for future study abroad participants? Cook some meals, look for free local events or attractions (e.g. all of the museums we went to were free), better restaurants don't always have to be more expensive restaurants, set a budget and be very conscious of it (digital payments like Alipay are easy but you have to pay attention to spending; I had my roommate help me set up text reminders every time I charged something to my bank card which helped me a ton in being aware of what I was spending)


* Did your program have a foreign language component? Yes
How much did the program encourage you to use the language?

0 = No encouragement, 5 = frequent encouragement to use the language

How would you rate your language skills at the beginning of the program? Intermediate
How would you rate your language skills at the end of the program? Advanced
What was the highest level language course you had completed prior to departure? CHNS 300
How many hours per day did you use the language? 10+
Do you have any tips/advice on the best ways to practice the language for future study abroad participants? Don't let fear of making mistakes keep you from trying to communicate. I know I shut down a few times abroad when I wasn't confident enough to try.

Other Program Information

* Where did you live?

Select all that apply

  • Dorm
* Who did you live with?

Select all that apply

  • Local Students
* Who did you take classes with?

Select all that apply

  • Americans
About how many local friends did you make that you will likely keep in touch with? 0

A Look Back

* What did you like most about the program?
  • I experienced self growth
  • My language confidence increased
  • I was academically satisfied
* What could be improved?
  • Hangzhou Story class
  • Homework variety
  • Local integration
* What do you know now that you wish you knew before going on this program? My Asian-American identity would play a huge role in my abroad experience, despite having already spent a few months in the country prior to abroad.

Individual Course Reviews

Course Name/Rating:

Hangzhou Story

Course Department:
Instructor: Lian Laoshi
Instruction Language: Chinese
Comments: Based on what I heard from my classmates, this class was a struggle for everyone. This class was essentially divided into a twenty minute movie project and volunteering at the West Lake Museum weekly. The instructions for the video project were inconsistent through the semester, and our group's instructor was particularly strict. I don't feel like I really gained anything from making the movie aside from some extra unneeded stress. The Museum was a negative experience from me because my language ability simply wasn't high enough to be very helpful. What essentially ended up happening was we would sit behind the front desk for three hours doing nothing every week. This class was easily my least favorite part of my semester abroad.
Credit Transfer Issues: