Ithaca College: London - Ithaca College London Center

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In 1972 the first group of adventurous Ithaca College students journeyed to England. Today the Ithaca College London Center - among the longest-standing study abroad programs in London - welcomes students from colleges and universities throughout... read more

All Reviews

Past Review Try The Curry
Everything. Yes. - Ithaca College View Entire Review
I experienced so much culture that wasn't my own and gained an incredible appreciation for history and culture that I never would have from staying in America. It gave me a chance to be a part of a society that I came to fall in love with and made me realize how badly I want to go back and become as well rounded as possible. It ... - Ithaca College View Entire Review
I learned so much about myself, as well as learned about all different cultures. It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience that I wouldn't trade for anything. - Ithaca College View Entire Review
Past Review Eye Opening
I gained world view, and experience. I got to go to so many beautiful places, and I feel like living abroad made me grow up. It prepared me to graduate this year and feel confident being an adult in the world. - Ithaca College View Entire Review
London and the UK in general isn't the stereotypically anti-social and stuffy place it's made out to be in the US. People were generally extremely friendly and hospitable. - Ithaca College View Entire Review
Past Review Life Changing
I really grew as a person. It was absolutely worthwhile, and I wish I could do it again. - Ithaca College View Entire Review
A student studying abroad with Ithaca College: London - Ithaca College London Center
Who I am and who I want to be. That I can live in a city and enjoy it. That I never want to stop learning new things. That I can be even more independent than I thought, and that I can enjoy it. Ever second was worthwhile. - Ithaca College View Entire Review
Past Review Bloody Wicked
Greater confidence in myself and my ability to live in a big city, a sense of appreciation for a wonderful culture and a love of travel. - Ithaca College View Entire Review
I got some great experiences while I was abroad and I've definitely grown from it. It was definitely worthwhile. - Ithaca College View Entire Review
Totally worthwhile. I learned a lot about myself and now am excited to do more traveling in the future. - Ithaca College View Entire Review
Past Review N/A
yes - Ithaca College View Entire Review
1,000% I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. I'm thinking about going to grad school there and possible never coming back to America because I loved it so much. It was difficult and scary but so incredibly amazing and eyeopening. It changed what I want to do with my life and the way I see so many things. I cannot even put... - Ithaca College View Entire Review
Yes. - Ithaca College View Entire Review
I gained a whole new perspective on many life aspects, it was completely worthwhile - Ithaca College View Entire Review
I learned what it was like to live outside America. It was amazing! - Ithaca College View Entire Review
Just a complete knowledge of how other cultures and countries work, and memories I'll never forget! - Ithaca College View Entire Review
A student studying abroad with Ithaca College: London - Ithaca College London Center
So much that it would be a disservice to try and explain it here. So worthwhile. - Ithaca College View Entire Review
Yes very worthwhile. Just the experience of living abroad on your own was worth it. I travelled a lot as well so that was a huge benefit. - Ithaca College View Entire Review
Past Review Wild London
I learned that I love living in cities, and I love to travel more than I ever thought possible. I want to continue to see the world after graduation and I am no longer nervous to go alone or to visit unfamiliar places. - Ithaca College View Entire Review
I love traveling and living abroad. This made it worthwhile. - Ithaca College View Entire Review
Past Review Amazing
I learned that I will be able to adjust to a new city on my own if that they does come again, and I also learned a lot about how much I can handle at once. Being able to manage everything (traveling, class, work, exploring the city) can be difficult at times, but in retrospect, I am so glad that I was always doing something in L... - Ithaca College View Entire Review
it was worthwhile. i gained a sense of how other people live and got to experience some of the major cities in the world. - Ithaca College View Entire Review
A student studying abroad with Ithaca College: London - Ithaca College London Center
I gained a ton more independence and travel experience. I gained friends that I love to this day and learned more about the human experience in terms of friends you don't need to bother with. I learned about art, theatre, and the histories of the cities themselves. I learned about taking opportunities instead of letting things p... - Ithaca College View Entire Review
I had the best time ever while studying abroad in London. It literally transformed my life in an incredibly good way, and I will never be the same as a result. I met amazing people, did things I never thought I would do, ate things I never in a million years would have imagined I'd eat and came away from it with so many unique... - Ithaca College View Entire Review
Yes, I learned so much about myself, and my own sense of independence from this experience. I had experiences that even now seem like a wonderful dream. I gained a completely new perspective on my own country, the world, and everyone's place in it. This experience has broadened my horizons and I've been telling everyone I know t... - Ithaca College View Entire Review


In 1972 the first group of adventurous Ithaca College students journeyed to England. Today the Ithaca College London Center - among the longest-standing study abroad programs in London - welcomes students from colleges and universities throughout the United States and around the world. The London Center staff and faculty have years of experience helping students negotiate the ins and outs of life in Great Britain.

Ithaca's base in London is an elegant restored Victorian house in the heart of the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. The London Center houses classrooms, a small library, and a comfortable common lounge, as well as 2 computer labs with internet access and wireless internet access for laptop users. Our site is an ideal jumping-off point for exploring London, just a 3 minute walk to the nearest tube station. The Victoria & Albert Museum, the Natural History Museum, the Science Museum, Hyde Park, Kensington Gardens, and the famous department store Harrods are all within walking distance.

Whether your interest lies in medieval music or the European Union, Hamlet or BBC News 24, Oscar Wilde or Zadie Smith, London offers a wealth of opportunities. Classroom learning comes alive as you experience British life and culture firsthand. You will explore abbeys and cathedrals, visit the neighborhoods where John Keats and Virginia Woolf once lived, sample British economics while doing an internship at the London office of a mulitnational corporation. Or you may read Charles Dickens and prowl the back alleys where the "artful dodger" and Oliver Twist once roamed.

As a student at the London Center, you can combine an American course of undergraduate study with an array of exciting international experiences. Course offerings range from business and communications to the fine arts, humanities and social sciences. Internship placements are available to students seeking international work experience and a more comprehensive immersion into British culture. No matter what your personal and academic interests, the Ithaca College London Center delivers stimulating and rewarding opportunities.

Program Type(s):
Study Abroad
Program Length(s):
Year Founded:
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