IFSA: London - King's College London
- Hosted at: King's College London
- Location(s): London, The United Kingdom
- Program Type(s): Study Abroad
IFSA/Alliance: Shanghai - International Business in China
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(For American Students)
Study abroad with the Institute for Study Abroad at King's College London!What King's has to offer •An outstanding college in the heart of the city, overlooking the River Thames •One of the oldest, largest and most prestigious colleges of the Un... read more
All Reviews
I learned how to make more intricate meals. It was worthwhile! Maile L - Brandeis University View Entire Review
London was amazing! Living in a city for the first time was an amazing experience and It really made me realize how independent I could be. A student - Brandeis University View Entire Review
I learned how to live on my own better, Will L - Middlebury College View Entire Review
yes, there is a lot to be learnt from being in a foreign country alone. much personal growth can be learnt A student - Brandeis University View Entire Review
Very worthwhile. Learned a lot about different cultures and got to travel to 9 countries. A student - Middlebury College View Entire Review
I gained experience and a perspective/ appreciation for other cultures. A student - Middlebury College View Entire Review
Yes, I learned to be more independent emotionally and financially. I was able to accustom myself to a community with a wider range of cultures. A student - Brandeis University View Entire Review
While studying abroad has its own unique challenges like adjusting to a new academic system and learning to be self-sufficient, I made so many memories I will cherish for a long time. Joni L - Wellesley College View Entire Review
It was definitely worthwhile. You learn a lot about independence and taking care of yourself both physical and mentally. Because IFSA does not have any "host families", you are essentially a "regular" full time student. Students can design their study abroad experience however they want. A student - Hamilton College View Entire Review
It was worthwhile. I enjoyed the city; exploring, biking, sightseeing, etc. MacLean Kirk - Middlebury College View Entire Review
I enjoyed living in London. It was absolutely worthwhile. A student - Middlebury College View Entire Review
I gained to appreciate other cultures. Yes. A student - Brandeis University View Entire Review
Definitely a worthwhile experience. I learned a lot - had to learn how to live on my own to a further extent than before, gained the ability to enjoy exploring places alone, learned to go more out of my comfort zone and take on more responsibilities. A student - Brandeis University View Entire Review
It changed my life. A student - Brandeis University View Entire Review
I gained so much independence and okay with being alone at times. Kavina A - King's College London View Entire Review
I gained a new perspective on the world and a ton of new places I have been. It was absolutely worthwhile Nathan F - Middlebury College View Entire Review
Yes it was worthwhile. I gained valuable skills of living on a stricter budget and learning about different European cultures. A student - Middlebury College View Entire Review
I would say it was worthwhile to study abroad. A student - Brandeis University View Entire Review
University is very different in the UK than it is in America. The life experiences I gained from abroad was much more helpful in my development as a human being than the actual studying was. A student - Middlebury College View Entire Review
I learned how to better manage myself in a big city. It was worthwhile. Ethan G - Brandeis University View Entire Review
I believe it was worthwhile to study abroad. I learned to be independent and get out of my comfort zone by living in and exploring a big city such as London. A student - Brandeis University View Entire Review
It was very worthwhile! I learned a lot about myself, I took courses that Middlebury's curriculum could not offer me and had the amazing opportunity to live in a wonderful and contrasting city A student - Middlebury College View Entire Review
Learned how to live in a city. A student - Middlebury College View Entire Review
I feel my primary area of growth was in learning how to live more independently and not rely on other people for entertainment. There were many times that I would spend large chunks of time completely alone in a foreign country, and a big are of growth for me was becoming comfortable with that. Samuel Zarov - Brandeis University View Entire Review
Learned about so many different religions and cultures, was able to open myself up to people from all over the world. A student - Brandeis University View Entire Review
Study abroad with the Institute for Study Abroad at King's College London!
What King's has to offer
•An outstanding college in the heart of the city, overlooking the River Thames
•One of the oldest, largest and most prestigious colleges of the University of London (UL)
•Access to the University of London's excellent facilities
•A member of Britain's Russell Group of universities, similar to the Ivy League
•State-of-the-art teaching and research facilities
•An active student union that offers on-campus shopping, deli, cafe and bars
•More than 200 sports and student societies
•Great location with easy access to the West End, Covent Garden for great shopping and Soho for nightlife
•Shakespeare's London module combines a course in Shakespeare with a hands-on, three-week class at Shakespeare's Globe Theatre
Program Type(s):
Study AbroadProgram Length(s):
- Fall
- Summer
- Spring
- Academic Year
Instruction Language(s):
- English
Relevant Study Subject(s):
- Biomedical Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Electromechanical Engineering
- Comparative Literature
- Ancient and Biblical Languages, Literature
- Ancient/Classical Greek Language, Literature
- British Literature
- Biology and Biomedical Sciences
- Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology
- Cell Biology, Anatomy
- Historic Preservation
- Ancient Civilization
- Chemistry
- Anthropology
- Sociology and Anthropology
- Graduate Dentistry, Oral Sciences
- Business
Minimum GPA:
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IFSA Scholarships
Any student applying to an IFSA-Butler program can apply for our general scholarship awards, which are $500 for a summer program, $1,500 for semester study, and $2,000 for the full year. We also offer special opportunities such as First Generation College Student scholarships and a Fill the GAP study abroad savings program that matches contributions up to $1,000. Plus, any student attending a public institution or an MSI (minority serving institution) is automatically eligible for either the IFSA State School Grant or the IFSA MSI Grant. Both are worth $2,000 off the program price.