Constructor University: Bremen - Direct Enrollment & Exchange
Constructor University
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Constructor University: Bremen - Direct Enrollment & Exchange
Constructor University: Bremen - Direct Enrollment & Exchange
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(For American Students)
Constructor University (formerly Jacobs University) is Germany's leading private research university located in Bremen and is one of the most international and intercultural universities in Europe. Jacobs attracts highly talented and open-minded s... read more
All Reviews
I definitely learned more about myself and how to connect to others. It was worthwhile because I got to meet an incredible group of people to have unique, bonding experiences with. Diana L - Wellesley College View Entire Review
I traveled A LOT and learned many new skills through traveling and planning travels. I became more flexible, independent, and more resourceful when thrown into a new environment. Qin Tong W - Wellesley College View Entire Review
I learned about different people, cultures and histories. My mind was opened a lot more than I expected. It was 100% worth it and this experience forever changed me. A student - Wellesley College View Entire Review
- I saw places I has never seen before and it was amazing! - I learned to interact with different societies that have different types of social cues and adapt to them. - I developed a better sense of responsibility and financial discipline I think the experience was definitely worthwhile! I wish I would have known more abo... Alicia P - Wellesley College View Entire Review
I was able to travel around Europe. Meet new friends. Understand cross-cultural relationships. Eat some good food. A student - Wellesley College View Entire Review
Learned a lot about German culture and explored Europe Brianna - Wellesley College View Entire Review
Learned about intercultural communication; some parts were worthwhile A student - Wellesley College View Entire Review
I definitely think that taking time to study in a different country and be surrounded by people who have been raised very differently from you have was a worthwhile experience. Not only was I able to take in more of the world by traveling, but also by learning about my friend's backgrounds and their lives. A student - Wellesley College View Entire Review
Yes it was worthwhile! I learned a lot about German culture. Susan Black - Wellesley College View Entire Review
I learned how to budget, how to travel and how to speak German, etc. It was worthwhile A student - Wellesley College View Entire Review

I gained many friendships and experiences living in a country with a foreign langauge Clement Hathaway - Lafayette College View Entire Review
I learned a lot about myself and how I handle new environments and meeting new people. Through traveling I also learned to understand others better and how to adapt to new situations. The experience was definitely worthwhile, it was incredible to get off campus for a semester and do something new. I know I'll be coming back feel... A student - Wellesley College View Entire Review
Totally worthwhile. I grew a lot A student - Wellesley College View Entire Review
My time abroad was definitely worthwhile because I took initiative and traveled a lot. I learned a lot about German culture and was able to improve my German language skills a fair amount. A student - Wellesley College View Entire Review
I had a great time traveling with friends and learning how to be independent A student - Wellesley College View Entire Review
I gained more confidence in speaking/getting to know more people, gained more social confidence, and overall I was able to become a more free/happy person. The experience was unlike any other but it was only because I put myself out there and took the initiative to travel and explore, it is very easy to be lonesome at Jacobs and... A student - Wellesley College View Entire Review
I think I learned a lot about myself and grew so much. Going to a new country, not knowing anyone, not speaking the language and having to figure it out as you go made me such much more confident and eager to integrate. I gained new perspectives having met people from all around the world. I gained life experience, travel expe... Gianna A - Wellesley College View Entire Review
the travel was the best part and definitely worthwhile Grace Turner - Wellesley College View Entire Review
I gained new memories and experienced new things. It was worth it to travel but I would do things differently next thing. Amanda Frazer - Wellesley College View Entire Review
My experience abroad was definitely worthwhile overall. I learned how to navigate public transport independently in a language other than English. I gained proficiency in carrying out basic conversations in German and accomplishing everyday tasks, like buying groceries or ordering food at restaurants. And I think the most import... A student - Wellesley College View Entire Review
I was able to have interactions with local students and have some travel which made the trip worthwhile. A student - Wellesley College View Entire Review
I had an absolutely incredible clinical experience. The biochemistry course taught by my home institution professor was incredible. Despite the minor issues (or administration's major issues), I had a fabulous semester. My semester was worthwhile. It confirmed my interest in medicine and put me on the path to medical school. A student - Wellesley College View Entire Review

I made many lifelong friends, enhanced my language skills, and experienced many different cultures and cities. Jack Huffman - University of Missouri - Columbia View Entire Review
It helped put things into perspective for me and gave me total independence in a way I've never had before. It helped me a lot with my own identity, especially since I am of German heritage. I am much more confident with traveling and planning things out, and I learned a lot about how countries outside of the US operate. I also ... A student - Wellesley College View Entire Review
It was worthwhile. I learned a lot about being on my own and being open to new experiences. Clara Berger - Wellesley College View Entire Review
Constructor University (formerly Jacobs University) is Germany's leading private research university located in Bremen and is one of the most international and intercultural universities in Europe. Jacobs attracts highly talented and open-minded students from well over 100 nations who currently live and study on our residential campus.
Constructor University is a research oriented, state-accredited university with a broad portfolio of graduate and undergraduate study programs in a wide variety of fields. All programs are taught in English. Extensive extracurricular activities support and strengthen our students' personal development.
At Constructor, class sizes are small and for each student a professor acts as both a personal mentor and an academic adviser.
Constructor University welcomes foreign exchange students from a wide variety of universities to spend either a semester or an academic year at our residential campus.
Constructor University is a research oriented, state-accredited university with a broad portfolio of graduate and undergraduate study programs in a wide variety of fields. All programs are taught in English. Extensive extracurricular activities support and strengthen our students' personal development.
At Constructor, class sizes are small and for each student a professor acts as both a personal mentor and an academic adviser.
Constructor University welcomes foreign exchange students from a wide variety of universities to spend either a semester or an academic year at our residential campus.
Program Type(s):
Study AbroadProgram Length(s):
- Fall
- Spring
- Academic Year
Instruction Language(s):
- English
Language Requirement(s):
- English
Relevant Study Subject(s):
- Computer Science
- Electrical Engineering
- Industrial Engineering
- Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology
- Mathematics, Statistics
- Natural Sciences
- Chemistry
- Earth Science
- Physics
- Psychology
- Social Sciences
- International Relations
- Business Administration and Management
- Managerial Economics
Minimum GPA:
3.0Year Founded:
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