CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Granada, Spain
- Hosted at: University of Granada
- Location(s): Granada, Spain
- Program Type(s): Study Abroad, Internship, Volunteer, Intensive Language
CEA CAPA Education Abroad
CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Paris, France
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(For American Students)
From the majestic courtyards and mosaics of the Alhambra to the lush gardens of the Palacio del Generalife, Granada is steeped in a cultural, artistic, and historic heritage that's been shaped by centuries of diverse influences. Today, al-Andalus ... read more
All Reviews
Deeper understanding of myself, understanding of tidying abroad as a business, improved Spanish skills Simeon Huff - Berea College View Entire Review
I learned more about myself as I struggled with loneliness and homesickness, and while it seemed to be overwhelming at times, I also had so many good moments and made so many great memories with the friends I made here and the places I got to see. Also, my language skills have increased more than I ever thought I could do and ... Anastasia Kingsley - Liberty University View Entire Review
I learned to more spanish. I learned to take initiative, and to get outside of my comfort zone. Christy - Covenant College View Entire Review
I gained a true understanding of the culture and language that will be invaluable for my future career. A student - Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville View Entire Review
I learned so many things- how to be incredibly independent, how to interact with people of a different culture, and much more. It was worth every bit. Danika F - Western Washington University View Entire Review
I cannot not even put into a small number of words what I gained and learned. It was the most worthwhile experience of my life. No other experience could put my mind in a new mindset and understanding as I now have. Kirsten F - Illinois State University View Entire Review
I learned a lot about myself and I learned how to communicate better, as well as about a new culture. It was definitely worthwhile A student - Illinois State University View Entire Review
I learned a lot about other cultures and broadened my horizons. My Spanish skills improved so much, and I grew a lot as a person while I was here. It was amazing, and definitely worthwhile. I wouldn't trade it for anything. Kathleen B - Illinois State University View Entire Review
It was definitely worthwhile, I gained more than I could even put into words. I gained a lot of perspective about the world and learned a lot about myself. A student - Illinois State University View Entire Review
Expanding my language and how to get around. Independence also. Jennifer H - Illinois State University View Entire Review
I gained a whole new perspective on the world. It was cool seeing how other people live. I became a more open, non judgmental person. Granada was 100% worth my time, and I wish more than anything that I could go back. A student - Illinois State University View Entire Review
I am a completely different and more confident person. Studying abroad broadened my horizons and changed my perspective on so many things. A student - Illinois State University View Entire Review

I've learned and fell in love with a new culture. It was absolutely worthwhile! Morgan L - Illinois State University View Entire Review
It may seem “easy” to just pack your bags, board the plane and daydream about the memories you will be creating abroad, and though fulfilling those dreams is important in the experience overall, the challenges you will face make up just as important a part of it as well. As an introvert, I learned it ESSENTIAL to put my needs fi... Rachel Bornstein - University of Oklahoma View Entire Review
I can speak, read, and write more fluently in Spanish than I ever would have been able to at home. I'm more confident and independent, and I've made amazing friendships. Megan Vande Linde - University of Tennessee - Knoxville View Entire Review
Language skills, independence, reliance on others, budget skills, learning to say "no", when to draw firm boundaries, growing in my faith while abroad A student - Covenant College View Entire Review
How to be self-sufficient and practiced my Spanish. Kendall W - University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse View Entire Review
My experience abroad was definitely worthwhile! I learned to live life to the fullest and go on every adventure possible. Also, to not compare yourself to others since we all have histories and the fun part is getting to know that history of others! Finally, I learned to just pick up and travel- experience new cultures, try new ... Lauren A - University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse View Entire Review
I've really learned to be more open minded towards other people and other cultures. Stephanie S - Illinois State University View Entire Review
Yes it was. I have gained so much self-confidence and know that I am capable of so much more than I thought. I learned about different cultures and have discovered both things that I like and don't like about our culture. Plus, my language skills have improved so much. I gained Spanish friends and a Spanish family that I will fo... Kara E - Illinois State University View Entire Review
It absolutely was worthwhile, and I think everyone should study abroad. I have learned so much about myself, what I can handle personally, academically, socially and I have been amazed at the person I've found myself to be. This semester I have been stretched in so many areas that I know this experience has been a life changing ... A student - Illinois State University View Entire Review
I gained everything from language skills, to learning how to operate public transportation. It was worth every penny. Ricotomate - Illinois State University View Entire Review
I learned how easy it is to make new friends from around the world and how much you can learn from other cultures. A student - Illinois State University View Entire Review
I became a much more humble, well-rounded, and culturally aware person. I could not emphasize enough the importance of studying abroad. Marissa W - Western Washington University View Entire Review

If you want to do something (even just a little bit) you should do it even though it may be scary and/or intimidating because if may be the greatest thing you ever do. such as studying abroad. a once in a lifetime opportunity. A student - University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse View Entire Review
CEA CAPA also offers Study + Internship in Granada that gives you the real-world experience to stand out in today’s job market while earning credits towards graduation. Learn more about CEA CAPA Programs in Granada.
Program Type(s):
Study AbroadInternship
Intensive Language
Program Length(s):
- Fall
- Summer
- Spring
- Academic Year
- January Term
- Short Term
Instruction Language(s):
- Spanish
- English
Relevant Study Subject(s):
- Environmental Science
- Education
- Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
- Spanish Language, Literature
- Liberal Arts, General Studies
- Cultural Studies
- Social Sciences
- Political Science and Government
- Sociology
- Fine Arts, Studio Arts
- Health Professions
- Business
Minimum GPA:
2.5Year Founded:
Take me there!Statistics
CEA CAPA Education Abroad Scholarships
CEA CAPA is committed to increasing access to study and interning abroad. We offer more than $2 million each year in scholarships, affiliations, and grant programs. CEA CAPA scholarships are available to students on programs of three weeks or more. All scholarships require students to complete an application, and not all scholarships are available each term. FEA scholarships are administered by the Fund for Education Abroad, a nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing access to study abroad.