Bryn Mawr College

February 18, 2025

University Information

Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at Bryn Mawr College. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a Bryn Mawr College student, please check with the Office of International Education for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.

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09/17/2022 I Miss Granada! Go If You Get The Chance! IES Abroad: Granada - Liberal Arts & Language

"It was worthwhile. It mainly improved my confidence and trust in myself."

Bryn Mawr College
Past Review A Wonderful Life Experience! SIT Study Abroad: India - Sustainable Development and Social Change

"I learned how to navigate new cultural context, and be comfortable and confident in unfamiliar settings. I learned so much about practicing and implementing sustainability. I also made amazing friends and memories!!"

Bryn Mawr College
Past Review An Incredible City & Personal Growth DIS Copenhagen: Semester

"Some of the Danish language! How to cook, clean, and completely run my life on my own! How to navigate the Copenhagen transportation system. How smart and independent I can be. It was definitely all worth it for my newfound confidence."

Bryn Mawr College
Past Review Wonderful Experience CYA (College Year in Athens) - Semester/Academic Year Program

"Studying abroad develops what our colleges have taught us in the classroom, by giving us the opportunity to build on our academic skills in the real world and grow personally along the way. It was the most exciting experience of my eduction so far and I would recommend studying abroad and CYA to anyone!"

Bryn Mawr College
Past Review Wonderful Study Abroad Experience Academic Programs Abroad (APA): Paris - Immersion for Intermediate & Advanced French Speakers

"There were only ten students in the program which made the experience very personal. It was just what I needed to improve my French. The two classes that they offered were very interesting and included weekend study tours to other countries. They were taught by dedicated professors who enjoyed working with international stude..."

Bryn Mawr College
Past Review Four Months In Paris Academic Programs Abroad (APA): Paris - Immersion for Intermediate & Advanced French Speakers

"My language skills improved, obviously, which was the whole reason I went to France in the first place. I felt so much more confident when speaking French by the end of the program, and my experience was worthwhile for that reason alone. "

Bryn Mawr College
Past Review Perfect Semester In Paris Academic Programs Abroad (APA): Paris - Immersion for Intermediate & Advanced French Speakers

"I learned a lot about myself, French culture/people, and Europe in general. It was definitely a worthwhile experience that I would recommend to any undergraduate student."

Bryn Mawr College
Past Review Copenhagen Was Amazing! DIS Copenhagen: Semester

"I gained everything from going abroad. The chance to study in Europe was amazing - all the art and history was stunning. I want to go back for graduate school. "

Bryn Mawr College
Past Review I Want To Return Asap! American Councils (ACTR): Advanced Russian Language & Area Studies Program (RLASP)

"I exponentially improved my speaking and comprehension abilities, I made meaningful and lasting friendships with locals. It was completely worthwhile. "

Bryn Mawr College
Past Review Incredible Copenhagen Learn In And Outside Of Classroom DIS Copenhagen: Semester

"I learn a lot about urban design, since Copenhagen is a pioneer in this field. All the field studies and study tours in Europe also benefited a lot."

Bryn Mawr College
Past Review I Left My Heart In Copenhagen DIS Copenhagen: Semester

"So many things. I learned what it felt like to be thrown into completely new situations and cultures and languages and experience things openly and head-on. I learned how to communicate without language, and see things from a trans-linguistic point of view. I saw how different places and people felt the impact of terrorism and c..."

Bryn Mawr College
Past Review An Unexpected Love: My Summer In Vienna IES Abroad: Vienna - Study Abroad With IES Abroad

"This summer I had the privilege to study Music Performance in Vienna Austria through IES Abroad. Originally I was not excited to study abroad, but my experience in Austria changed my entire opinion of study abroad curriculum and opportunity. The IES Music Performance program in Vienna is an exquisite program filled with teac..."

Bryn Mawr College
Past Review Go To India!!! SIT Study Abroad: India - Sustainable Development and Social Change

"India is freaking amazing. People have such a great sense of humor. "

Bryn Mawr College