This gave me a chance to explore and travel while learning about Brazil Past Review

By (University of the Pacific) - abroad from 01/23/2018 to 05/10/2018 with

USAC Brazil: Florianópolis - International Business, Environmental/Conservation Management, and Latin American Studies

What did you gain/learn from your experience abroad? Was it worthwhile?
Language,culture, open-mindedness. It was worth it

Personal Information

How much international exposure did you have prior to this program? 2 weeks - 1 month

Review Your Program

* Overall educational experience

Academic rigor, intensity, resources, etc.

The program courses were very easy. I would have liked to take classes with more Brazilian students and with professors that taught in Portuguese.

* Host Country Program Administration

On-site administration of your program

At first, they were very disorganized. They only gave us an address to go to after arriving to that country. I had to ask for the contact info for my host family. Once I got there, I was fortunate to have someone open the gates for us since my family lived in an apartment and they didn't weren't notified when I was going to be coming. However, when I got sick, the staff was very attentive and went with me to doctor appointments.

* Housing:

How satisfied were you with your living arrangements?

I really enjoyed my host family. The only thing was that they placed me in a tiny room that I could barely fit in. After talking with them, they moved me to another more spacious room. They were very accommodating with my food allergies.

* Food:

My host dad cooked amazing!

* Social & Cultural Integration:

How integrated did you feel with the local culture?

* Health Care:

How well were health issues addressed during the program?

The onsite staff was very helpful. They set up interviews for me, went to my doctor appointments, and helped me get reimbursed .

* Safety:

There's favelas (rough neighborhoods) in some sections near the school. I would hear fireworks/gun shots every night but I felt safe. You just have to use common sense and walk with a group of people.

If you could do it all over again would you choose the same program? No

I loved the program abroad but I would not do it again due to the administration in charge for billing services. The administration, located in Nevada, is disorganized and lacks professionals. I kept trying to get in contact with them about the reimbursement money they owed me and they never once spoke to me on the phone after I called and left voicemails several times. Every time I contacted the director he would refer me to someone who would never assist me (I guess she was the only account specialist that could help me). It's been almost 3 months since the program ended and they still have not payed me.


* Money: How easily were you able to live on a student's budget?

(1 = not very easy/$200+ on food & personal expenses/week, 2.5 = $100/week, 5 = very easily/minimal cost)

I had to uber a lot but other than that it was doable.

Not including program expenses, about how much money did you spend on food and other expenses each week? $100
Do you have any general money-saving tips for future study abroad participants? try to learn the bus system instead of taking uber. You will save a lot.


* Did your program have a foreign language component? Yes
How much did the program encourage you to use the language?

0 = No encouragement, 5 = frequent encouragement to use the language

In class we had to speak Portuguese (when taking the language class) but outside we weren't forced to speak the language.

How would you rate your language skills at the beginning of the program? None
How would you rate your language skills at the end of the program? Intermediate
What was the highest level language course you had completed prior to departure? none
How many hours per day did you use the language?
Do you have any tips/advice on the best ways to practice the language for future study abroad participants? Live with a host family and meet friends outside your program

Other Program Information

* Where did you live?

Select all that apply

  • Host Family
* Who did you live with?

Select all that apply

  • Host Family
* Who did you take classes with?

Select all that apply

  • Americans
About how many local friends did you make that you will likely keep in touch with?

A Look Back

* What did you like most about the program?
  • the location
  • my host family
  • the activities done while abroad
* What could be improved?
  • administration services
  • arrival details
  • better communication
* What do you know now that you wish you knew before going on this program? I wish I would have taken more portuguese courses.

Reasons For Studying Abroad

To help future students find programs attended by like-minded individuals, please choose the profile that most closely represents you.
The Nearly Native or Trail Blazer
Craving the most authentic experience possible, perhaps you lived with a host family or really got in good with the locals. You may have felt confined by your program requirements and group excursions. Instead, you'd have preferred to plan your own trips, even skipping class to conduct your own 'field work.'