University of the Highlands and Islands: Scottish Association for Marine Science - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

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The Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) UHI is Scotland’s largest and oldest independent marine science organisation, delivering marine science for a productive and sustainably managed marine environment through innovative research, edu... read more

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The Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) UHI is Scotland’s largest and oldest independent marine science organisation, delivering marine science for a productive and sustainably managed marine environment through innovative research, education and engagement with society. An internationally recognised centre of expertise in marine environmental science SAMS UHI delivers cutting edge research into marine systems science.

Based near Oban on the Scottish west coast, the SAMS UHI marine research and teaching portfolio is diverse in topic and discipline, global in outlook, project locations and relevance, and delivered by a SAMS team with can-do attitude working in partnership with academic, business, government, regulatory, voluntary and civic society colleagues. Study abroad students are taught alongside local and international students, and more information on course selection and application procedures can be found on our website.

When students wish to explore more of Scotland and the UK, Oban is connected by a network of fast and reliable coach and train services, and Glasgow and Edinburgh airports are two to three hours away for further exploration of Europe and beyond.

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Program Type(s):
Study Abroad
Program Length(s):
  • Fall
  • Spring
  • Academic Year
Instruction Language(s):
  • English
Relevant Study Subject(s):
  • Environmental Studies
  • Environmental Science
  • Marine Sciences
Minimum GPA:
Year Founded:
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