Study Abroad Programs in Poland

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Study Abroad Reviews for Study Abroad Programs in Poland
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Find your dream Study Abroad Program in Poland at Abroad101 and this directory of Study Abroad Programs, Rankings and Reviews.  Future students are drawn to Abroad101 for the reviews from returning students.  Using the popular 1-5 star scale, indi... read more

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I learned that people are people no matter where you go in the world. The culture can be completely different but that's is what each person different - Illinois State University View Entire Review
I gained so much from this trip, it helped me not only learn about the Polish people and their culture, but it also forced me to look at myself and America and learn more about my own culture. It was a life changing experience and it was so worthwhile. - University of Northern Iowa View Entire Review
I learned to appreciate life after seeing such horrors in Auschwitz and the ghetto. I also gained a new sense of independence after the trip. It was very much worthwhile. - University of Northern Iowa View Entire Review
I had a great time and would say that my experience was definitely worth while. - Anonymous University View Entire Review
I had a lot of historical debates about things which in the US are 'studied' rather than lived. Things like historical memory, national identity and the legacy of history. It's fascinating, enlightening and humbling to speak with those who lived through late Stalinism, and whose childhoods were defined by 'the fall' in 1989. I b... - North Central College View Entire Review
yes very - Illinois State University View Entire Review
I have really learned so much about what it means to be a part of a country. I have also learned what it means to be American. This is something that is difficult to understand until you have been somewhere else. I wouldn't trade this experience for anything! I had such a wonderful time with some really great people. - University of Northern Iowa View Entire Review
I gained so much from this trip, it helped me not only learn about the Polish people and their culture, but it also forced me to look at myself and America and learn more about my own culture. It was a life changing experience and it was so worthwhile. - University of Northern Iowa View Entire Review
I learned that every culture is different, but unique at the same time. Sometimes people only think about their own culture and not consider others. - University of Northern Iowa View Entire Review
I feel like I learned a great deal about national identity and what sets each country apart. I really enjoyed learning about the holocaust and Auschwitz-Birkenau. So many people think they know what happened with the holocaust and the concentration camps but really people do not. The trip was very worthwhile. - University of Northern Iowa View Entire Review
Doing this program has helped me realize my desire to teach english as second language in Poland. Once I get my certification I plan to move there so that I can help other's gain an important tool that will help them get ahead in their lives. Even if that doesn't work out I definitely want to travel and continue to explore new p... - Anonymous University View Entire Review
Yes, so much was learned about Eastern Europe and history as well as my content area. - Illinois State University View Entire Review
My eyes were opened to all the things that make up a people's national identity. The way I look at the world has totally changed. This experience will greatly help me in my future business career and has sparked a strong desire in me to continue my international travels. - University of Northern Iowa View Entire Review


Find your dream Study Abroad Program in Poland at Abroad101 and this directory of Study Abroad Programs, Rankings and Reviews.  

Future students are drawn to Abroad101 for the reviews from returning students.  Using the popular 1-5 star scale, individual reviews provide a total rating, which are then averaged and displayed in directories.  Individual review details give ratings on all aspects of the program: academics, housing, food, program administration and the environment, plus student support before and after the experience abroad.  This insight can be reassuring to students and help them not only pick a program, but feel comfortable in their choices.  For parents, the reviews provide a level of comfort about the provider, the destination and study abroad in general.

Program Type(s):
Study Abroad
Intensive Language
Gap Year
Graduate Program
High School
Program Length(s):
  • Fall
  • Summer
  • Spring
  • Academic Year
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