SBCC: Contemporary Fiction, Creative Nonfiction Writing, Art History, and Italian Language in Rome
Santa Barbara City College
SBCC: Communications and Film Studies Program in Japan
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(For American Students)
The American novelist Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864) may have said it best when he described Rome writing, “How is it possible to say an unkind or irreverent word of Rome? The city of all time, and of all the world!” The “Eternal City” offers ... read more
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Courses offered include non-fiction Creative Writing and Literature as well as Italian Language. The Creative Writing will encourage you to chronicle your experiences and to use language to capture the true beauty of Italy. The Contemporary Fiction course will use course texts in which Italian literature and American literature are set in Italy. In addition, the Italian language and art history courses will help you to gain a deeper understanding of Italy's language, art, and culture.
Program Type(s):
Study AbroadProgram Length(s):
- Spring
Relevant Study Subject(s):
- Italian Language, Literature
- English Language and Literature
- Art History, Criticism and Conservation
Minimum GPA:
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Santa Barbara City College Scholarships
SBCC offers several scholarships for studying abroad on one of the SBCC Study Abroad programs offered every semester. To apply for the scholarships, you have to be enrolled at SBCC and apply during the appropriate application time frame for the chosen study abroad program. Additional requirements may apply. Scholarship awards are between $800 and $2,500 and a student may be selected for more than one scholarship. When completing the application, make sure you check YES for wanting to study abroad to open the section for Study Abroad Scholarships.
$800 - $2,500