Hertford College, University of Oxford - Visiting Students Program
- Location(s): Oxford, The United Kingdom
- Program Type(s): Study Abroad
University of Oxford
318 reviews
30 programs
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For more information about the Visiting Students Program at Hertford College, University of Oxford please visit their website: http://www.hertford.ox.ac.uk/discover-hertford/visiting-students
Hertford College is an excellent choice if you want to study abroad as a visiting student!We have a high quality and well established Visiting Student Programme with a dedicated team of people to support your academic and social welfareThe college... read more
All Reviews
I gained a lot of academic skills. Writing essays so frequently, managing readings, and making arguments in tutorials were majorly beneficial. I also gained a lot of practical skills and independence. A student - Brandeis University View Entire Review
I learned how to better engage with my subject material. A student - Brandeis University View Entire Review
Absolutely a worthwhile experience. I was able to develop an international network of friends, mentors, and professional connections all around the world. A student - Brandeis University View Entire Review
i gained a lot of valuable insights and tools for moving forward in my area of study (philosophy) and in life (academic, social, emotional, creative, etc.). it was definitely worthwhile. A student - Brandeis University View Entire Review
A lot. Yes. A student - Brandeis University View Entire Review
Besides the incredible academic experience, Oxford gave me the opportunity to travel throughout Europe during our two six-week long breaks. Dustin F - Brandeis University View Entire Review
I learned a lot academically. I learned how to write and read much faster. I also practiced and improved my skills with thinking on my feet because in class a professor will ask a question and either you and your tutoring partner if you have one will have to answer. I also learned about myself. This program was really difficult ... Vered B - Brandeis University View Entire Review
Being at Oxford allowed me to push myself both academically and personally, and I think that what really made it worthwhile for me was the independence I gained living outside of the US for the first time. A student - Brandeis University View Entire Review
Yes it was worthwhile. I learned how to be more self-sufficient and to be unafraid to seek out opportunities wherever they are. A student - Brandeis University View Entire Review
My year abroad was beyond worthwhile. I gained a sense of individual accomplishment, growth, and pride in my academic work due to the tutorial system. I also learned how to have a more balanced social life with my work since your weekly schedule is largely self-organized. With such a flexible schedule I was able to open my sched... Cynthia C - Brandeis University View Entire Review
I learned A LOT about myself and what I need as a person. I need a community, I need a support system, I need people to share experiences with. Not all the time - as I knew as a self proclaimed independent before departing - but there is a difference between valuing alone time and living off of it. I also became an amazing write... A student - Brandeis University View Entire Review
Hertford College is an excellent choice if you want to study abroad as a visiting student!
- We have a high quality and well established Visiting Student Programme with a dedicated team of people to support your academic and social welfare
- The college is small and friendly so it is easy to make friends with our regular students
- We are right in the centre of Oxford, opposite the world famous Bodleian library and the beautiful Sheldonian concert hall, as well as being within easy walking distance of faculty libraries, lecture theatres, bookshops and cafes
- Our accommodation blocks are adjacent to the River Thames and ideal if you want to try your hand in our college rowing clubs
As a Hertford visiting student you automatically become a “registered visiting student”. This is really important as it gives you an official status with the University of Oxford so you get a university card and therefore:
- You have reading rights in the enormous Bodleian and other university libraries
- You can take books out of the Faculty libraries
- You can go to the large number of lectures and seminars open to Oxford undergraduates
- You can join the wide variety of university societies and sports clubs, including the renowned debating society – the Oxford Union.
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