FU-BEST: Berlin - European Studies Program

1 recent review

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FU-BEST is a semester program for incoming students based on the American calendar and aims to provide an intensive and diverse study abroad experience to its participants. The program features a combination of university-standard German language ... read more

All Reviews

Based on 1 Review
Cost of Living
Overall Experience
Learned about new cultures and people - University of Connecticut View Entire Review
I learned how to better examine my home culture in am manner that allows me to become a better global citizen in this world that is constantly evolving. - None View Entire Review
Being inundated in a different culture is one of the best things you can do. It opened my mind to new ways of life and ideas that I had never though of before and now that I am back in America, it makes me want to start using all of the things I learned there. My experience abroad has impacted me more than I could have ever thou... - University of California - Merced View Entire Review
A student studying abroad with FU-BEST: Berlin - European Studies Program
I wish I could have studied abroad for more than just a semester. I loved the city I was in and it helped me greatly in my history major and in my understanding of other cultures. It made me want to explore more options of living abroad and made me more focused on studying German history. I fell in love with Berlin and German cu... - California State University - Humboldt State University View Entire Review
Yes. My experience taught me new things about myself as well as what it means to be an American. - University of California - Riverside View Entire Review
The program was very worth it. Culture exposure, while meeting people from all over the world. I also took courses that helped me decide whether or not I would want to pursue in that field or not in the near future. - University of California - Merced View Entire Review
Yes, but only because Berlin is amazing. - Barnard College View Entire Review
yes. - SUNY - Binghamton View Entire Review


FU-BEST is a semester program for incoming students based on the American calendar and aims to provide an intensive and diverse study abroad experience to its participants. The program features a combination of university-standard German language instruction on all levels and a large menu of subject courses (primarily in the humanities and social sciences) taught in English. Located in the southwest of Berlin, with easy access to the city center, FU-BEST uses the city with its rich cultural, political, and historical offerings as a resource. Many courses thus integrate local field-trips into their curriculum by extending the classroom beyond the program site in order to profit fully from the exceptional opportunities offered by this fascinating metropolis. Small classes, expert faculty, and the availability of day-to-day guidance and support enable over 300 students each academic year to make the most of this unique educational opportunity. 

The FU-BEST program is offered in the Fall (Aug. - Dec.) and the Spring (Feb. - May) semester. Students have the option of living with a host-family or in a single-occupancy, fully furnished studio apartment. Students also have the option to opt out of the two housing choices and find housing independantly. 

The overall fees of 8,680 Euros (please check our website for most up-to-date information) FU-BEST includes the following: application fee, housing, tuition, course materials, semester pass for public transportation, Welcome Reception and Farewell Dinner, Orientation Days activities, a number of cultural field trips during the semester, one week-long off-site excursion, several concert/opera/soccer visits, museum pass, and liability and accident insurance. 

Program Type(s):
Study Abroad
Program Length(s):
  • Fall
  • Spring
  • Academic Year
Instruction Language(s):
  • German
  • English
Language Requirement(s):
  • English
Relevant Study Subject(s):
  • Architecture and Related Services
  • European Studies
  • German Studies
  • Comparative Literature
  • Germanic Languages, Literature
  • German Language, Literature
  • Cultural Studies
  • Philosophy
  • Religion / Religious Studies
  • Psychology
  • Social Sciences
  • International Relations
  • Political Science and Government
  • Visual and Performing Arts
  • Music
  • Business Administration and Management
  • History
  • Art History, Criticism and Conservation
Minimum GPA:
Year Founded:
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