Ecuador Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

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Find your dream Study Abroad Program in Ecuador at Abroad101 and this directory of Study Abroad Programs, Rankings and Reviews.  Future students are drawn to Abroad101 for the reviews from returning students.  Using the popular 1-5 star scale, ind... read more

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I learned a lot about the South American and Ecuadorean culture, improved my Spanish language abilities, and also learned a lot about myself. I highly recommend this study abroad for anyone interested in a small family like relationships who have an interest in Spanish!! - Grove City College View Entire Review
Emergency Response, Navigating a vastly different culture, Interpersonal Skills - University of California - San Diego / UCSD View Entire Review
Too difficult to explain...I learned everything from Spanish to how to live, work, study, travel and plan alone. I learned how to connect with people and how to problem-solve. It was difficult at times, but 100% worth it. - Elon University View Entire Review
I learned not to fear horses and that traveling alone is not so scary. I learned to enter a new culture with an open mind. I learned that is I am respectful of cultural differences, people will be respectful of my culture. - St. Mary's College of Maryland View Entire Review
Understanding of other cultures, stepping way outside my comfort zone, making lifelong friends and learning a new language. Definitely worth it! - Campbell University View Entire Review
A student studying abroad with Study Abroad Programs in Ecuador
I had never been abroad (never even been in a plane!) until I went to Ecuador. That being said, the BCA program in Quito was the perfect program for me because it was structured enough that I didn't feel like I was just being left in another country to fend for myself. Yet being in the program didn't hinder me at all from explor... - Bridgewater College View Entire Review
I would like to teach abroad. - University of Wisconsin - Whitewater View Entire Review
I am a different person, I know what poverty looks like, and what it is like to live with an impoverished family, and in a major city in an 'undeveloped' country. My Spanish improved more in 10 weeks than it has over the last 4 years in university classes. I met, literally, the love of my life. - Western Washington University View Entire Review
My time abroad was everything I hoped it would be. I learned a lot from a different culture. I would go back in a heart beat. - Washburn University View Entire Review
I have become better at going with the flow, I'm now more outgoing, and learning how to live in another culture has made me realize many things about my own (that I have one, for example). After being in Ecuador and seeing social workers at my internship, I have begun thinking seriously about social work, either international so... - Carleton College View Entire Review
My study abroad experience was most definitely worthwhile. I made some really good friends and contacts while away and magnified my cultural awareness. It was my first venture down to South America and Ecuador has left a lasting impression on me. My future plans have changed because I am now considering Peace Corps after witne... - Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville View Entire Review
Past Review Very Fun
The culture of native people in Ecuador - Bethany Lutheran College View Entire Review
I learned a lot about Ecuadorian culture, Spanish, public transportation, racial relations and how they relate to socioeconomic status, the complexity of machismo, the huge wealthy disparity, the importance of family and friends over rigidity (time, schedules, individualism), and a lot about myself. I gained confidence in my abi... - Trinity University View Entire Review
I brought my Spanish back up to the same level it was when I came home from Spain. I also really improved my medical Spanish vocabulary. I also learned about a new culture. It was definitely worthwhile. - University of Maryland - Baltimore View Entire Review
I learned so much about myself as an individual, about Latin American history and culture, and about working in development. Definitely worthwhile. - Juniata College View Entire Review
Absolutely worthwhile. It really help me put things into perspective and refine some goals. I learned a lot about Latin American history and social issues as well about the Ecuadorian identity. - Trinity University View Entire Review
Thanks to the experiences I have had through my medical internship and the various cultural events I have experienced during my stay in Cuenca, I have grown to love Latino culture and the variety of opportunities studying abroad has to offer. I am forever grateful for this once in a lifetime experience and for all the staff at ... - University of North Carolina - Charlotte View Entire Review
Spending three months in a country whose native language is not English, where my skin color puts me in the minority rather than the majority, whose traditional foods are more defined and delicious, whose music is completely different from what the majority of my country listens to - all these unique qualities and more made this... - Western Washington University View Entire Review
Very much so, I am still actively reflecting on the expereince and finding how it has helped to define and direct my life. The implications are/will be great. - Otterbein University View Entire Review
A student studying abroad with Study Abroad Programs in Ecuador
Of course it was worthwhile!! I am impressed with how well I adapted to a new culture and how readily I accepted what came to me. I came to live a different life style, that was completely different than mine. Living this way showed me that everyone's way of life is different and right for that group of people, or even individua... - SUNY Purchase View Entire Review


Find your dream Study Abroad Program in Ecuador at Abroad101 and this directory of Study Abroad Programs, Rankings and Reviews.  

Future students are drawn to Abroad101 for the reviews from returning students.  Using the popular 1-5 star scale, individual reviews provide a total rating, which are then averaged and displayed in directories.  Individual review details give ratings on all aspects of the program: academics, housing, food, program administration and the environment, plus student support before and after the experience abroad.  This insight can be reassuring to students and help them not only pick a program, but feel comfortable in their choices.  For parents, the reviews provide a level of comfort about the provider, the destination and study abroad in general.

Program Type(s):
Study Abroad
Intensive Language
Gap Year
Graduate Program
High School
Program Length(s):
  • Fall
  • Summer
  • Spring
  • Academic Year
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