College Consortium for International Studies (CCIS): San Jose - Universidad Veritas

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A small, democratic country in Central America nestled between the Caribbean and the Pacific ocean, Costa Rica is exceptional in that many environments can be visited within a short time. Rain forests, cloud forests, unspoiled beaches, coral reefs... read more

All Reviews

Learned that I am capable to be in another country and be successful. I gained more self confidence. I learned the language a lot better. I learned to not be afraid to talk to new people. - Truman State University View Entire Review
I gained independence and a new outlook on other cultures/ people as well as my own. - Saint Bonaventure University View Entire Review
I gained independence and a new outlook on other cultures/ people as well as my own. - Saint Bonaventure University View Entire Review
A student studying abroad with College Consortium for International Studies (CCIS): San Jose - Universidad Veritas
I gained not only a love of travel but respect for other countries and ways of life. Being immersed in the culture was a gift in itself. I also learned, from being alone in a foreign country, who I am and that was amazing to see! - Truman State University View Entire Review
Past Review Tico Time
yes it was I learned a lot about myself and the language. - College of Saint Rose View Entire Review
I gained lifelong friends, a love for spanish language, a tico family and a love for travel. - Truman State University View Entire Review
Definitely a worthwhile experience. Actually it changed my life. I am confident in my spanish now and use it every chance I get. I can understand most Spanish when I hear it now. This also helped shape my future goals ( huge for me since I was quite directionless before the experience.) This was really opened my mind to all the ... - Truman State University View Entire Review
Definitely a worthwhile experience. Actually it changed my life. I am confident in my spanish now and use it every chance I get. I can understand most Spanish when I hear it now. This also helped shape my future goals ( huge for me since I was quite directionless before the experience.) This was really opened my mind to all the ... - Truman State University View Entire Review
Yes, very much so. - Truman State University View Entire Review
Studying Abroad really makes you appreciate the world but more importantly it makes you appreciate your home. - Truman State University View Entire Review


A small, democratic country in Central America nestled between the Caribbean and the Pacific ocean, Costa Rica is exceptional in that many environments can be visited within a short time. Rain forests, cloud forests, unspoiled beaches, coral reefs, white water rivers and volcanoes can be reached within a couple of hours by car from San José. Costa Rica is one of the few stable, democratic republics in Latin America. It has the highest standard of living of the Central American countries. The health record is excellent, and illiteracy is very low. Peaceful by nature, the Costa Ricans have no army, as it was abolished in 1948. Universidad Veritas is located in the capital city of San José. At 4000 feet above sea level, it boasts a springtime climate all year round. The city surprises visitors by its vitality. Despite its cosmopolitan atmosphere with Central, South and North Americans as well as Europeans on busy downtown streets, its residents display an unmatched friendliness and warmth. Tourists as well as visiting businessmen happily testify to this. Every year the country attracts a large number of persons who, having visited Costa Rica once, decide to return to settle there. Students have easy access to the city's museums, restaurants, bustling markets, and the National Theater. The surrounding areas, including beaches on both the Pacific and the Caribbean coasts, are all within a few hours' drive from the city.

Program Type(s):
Study Abroad
Program Length(s):
  • Fall
  • Spring
Instruction Language(s):
  • Spanish
  • English
Relevant Study Subject(s):
  • Environmental Science
  • Communication and Media Studies
  • Spanish Language, Literature
  • Human Biology
  • Sustainability Studies
  • Psychology
  • International Relations
  • Political Science and Government
  • Fine Arts, Studio Arts
  • Public Health
  • Business
  • Marketing
  • History
Minimum GPA:
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