American University in Bulgaria: Blagoevgrad - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

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Thank you for inquiring about the possibility to spend a semester or a year at AUBG. We offer exchange opportunities to students from universities in both the U.S. (through ISEP) and European (through ERASMUS). If you are looking for unique locati... read more

All Reviews

The most important thing I gained from my experience abroad was learning so much about myself and my own abilities to be independent, adventurous, and brave. I learned so much more about myself than I could have if I stayed home. - University of Maine - Orono View Entire Review
Past Review Not Prepared
The ability to travel was worthwhile. - University of Maine - Orono View Entire Review
I gained a deeper appreciation for foreign culture and experienced what it was like to venture so far out of my comfort zone. It was definitely worth it. I tried so many new things and met so many incredible people and I will never forget my experience. - University of Maine - Orono View Entire Review
I learned a tremendous amount about Eastern Europe, often simply from causal conversation with my fellow students. The chance to live in an environment where I could meet students from numerous countries over the course of my day-to-day activities was such a great experience that really expanded my horizons. Attending AUBG was u... - University of Maine at Orono View Entire Review
I learned so much about myself and other cultures. I saw so many different things and interacted with so many different people. I wouldn't change any of it for the world. - University of Maine at Orono View Entire Review
A student studying abroad with New Bulgarian University: Blagoevgrad - Direct Enrollment & Exchange
I am a more independent person now, if that's even possible. I experienced diversity, which being from Maine is hard to do. It helped with my nursing career in a way that it hard to understand. It was just a life changing experience, that everyone should have. - University of Maine at Orono View Entire Review
Past Review Exhilarating
It was so worthwhile. I traveled a lot, befriended and met people not just from Bulgaria but from countries all over Europe, learned to live somewhere that wasn't English speaking and learned to get around that barrier, learned about traveling on my own and planning travel, learned some of a new langauge. It was amazing! - University of Maine - Orono View Entire Review
I loved traveling abroad and I loved all the people that I met and it was completely worthwhile and a life changing experience and I am so glad that I am lucky enough to have to experience this and I just feel great about it, but also there were a few bumps that were overwhelming with no help. - University of Maine - Orono View Entire Review
I learned a lot about other students my age and the countries they came from, what is truly meaningful in life, and culture. - University of Maine - Orono View Entire Review
Knowing how people from other places in the world live is something I will definitely take away from my abroad experience. My experience was definitely worthwhile. - University of Maine at Orono View Entire Review
A student studying abroad with New Bulgarian University: Blagoevgrad - Direct Enrollment & Exchange
I am a more independent person now, if that's even possible. I experienced diversity, which being from Maine is hard to do. It helped with my nursing career in a way that it hard to understand. It was just a life changing experience, that everyone should have. - University of Maine at Orono View Entire Review


Thank you for inquiring about the possibility to spend a semester or a year at AUBG. We offer exchange opportunities to students from universities in both the U.S. (through ISEP) and European (through ERASMUS). If you are looking for unique location, strong academic programs, and the chance to make friends from around the world, you would be a great fit for our campus. 

Why choose American University in Bulgaria (AUBG) for your exchange?

- A private American style university teaching all courses in English;
- Accredited in the USA and Bulgaria. Academic credits are recognized in Europe and USA;
- Liberal arts curriculum based on choice and practical knowledge;
- An excellent international faculty;
- A highly talented multicultural student body from 40 countries that makes a difference;
- Diverse experience to develop knowledge, skills, and values;
- The most modern University complex in Bulgaria and one of the best in Europe;
- Our new America for Bulgaria Student Center won first place in the Education and Sport category at the prestigious “Building of the Year” contest;
- Attractive location in the beautiful town of Blagoevgrad - just 100 km from the capital Sofia and only an hour drive to Greece

Program Type(s):
Study Abroad
Program Length(s):
  • Fall
  • Spring
  • Academic Year
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