The Education Abroad Network (TEAN): Townsville - James Cook University

4 recent reviews

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For students seeking an out-of-the-ordinary study abroad experience, look no further than James Cook University. JCU is situated amongst the Northern Queensland rainforests and provides the perfect entry point to exploring the stunning Great Barri... read more

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Based on 4 Reviews
Cost of Living
Overall Experience
It was absolutely worthwhile! Though I was only in Australia for about six weeks, I became far more independent and knowledgeable about another culture. I always knew I wanted to travel, but my study abroad experienced further deepened that goal. - University of Massachusetts Amherst / UMass View Entire Review
I learned to take risks and do what you love. I chose marine biology for a career path purely because I am passionate and love the ocean. Going abroad to JCU helped me to make this decision. - University of Missouri - Columbia View Entire Review
Past Review Take Me Back!
It was absolutely worthwhile. If I could do the whole thing over, I wouldn't change a thing. I learned a lot about myself and all of the things I was capable of doing. - University of Rhode Island View Entire Review
While abroad, I learned that I am much more independent than I had ever known. I gained the knowledge of a new culture and the ability to adapt to new ways of life. Studying abroad was absolutely worthwhile and I would do it all over a million times! - University of Rhode Island View Entire Review
I would absolutely do it again. I gained friends from around the world, a sense of independence, and a love for a country I may not have visited otherwise, and certainly not in the same way. - Clemson University View Entire Review
I really gained alot of personal achievements abroad. Being totally submerged into a foreign country really tested my independence on so many levels. I can now relate to another country and another culture. I find that so interesting! I really miss it already! The academics have helped me keep an open mind to learning in my curr... - University of Maryland - College Park View Entire Review
You grow so much as a person when you live and submerge yourself into another country. Would not change a single thing about my adventure - University of Tampa View Entire Review
I learned a lot about myself and what I am capable of doing, which is much more than I thought. I gained confidence and a new perspective. Traveling to the other side of the world made "my world" seem pretty small. Deciding to study abroad was hands-down the best decision that I have ever made. - Colby-Sawyer College View Entire Review
Studying abroad has made me a much more independent and open-minded person. You learn a lot about yourself and what you're capable of when you travel halfway across the world without anyone you're familiar with. From this experience, I gained lifelong friends and unforgettable memories that I will keep with me wherever I go in t... - University of Rhode Island View Entire Review
I learned how to be more independant and how to rely on myself to solve problems. I made friends with people from another country, and I threw myself into the Australian culture. I loved every second of my time in Australia and my only regret was that I couldn't travel a little bit more while I was there. I made friends who are ... - Stonehill College View Entire Review
There is so much that i gained and learnt from being abroad. I really learned who i was and what i strongly liked or disliked in life. I learned how to be strong and gained independence. I had never left home before leaving to go abroad so it gave me an opportunity to spread my wings and find my true self without the influence o... - University of Pittsburgh - Bradford View Entire Review
A student studying abroad with Education Abroad Network: Townsville - James Cook University
It was very much worth it, it gives you an idea of what is going on in other parts of the world. I was able to gain friendships all over the United States, Germany, Sweden, Australia, France, etc. I was pretty culturally aware but you don't trully understand the concepts until you live them. My future plans have been changed som... - University of Cincinnati View Entire Review


For students seeking an out-of-the-ordinary study abroad experience, look no further than James Cook University. JCU is situated amongst the Northern Queensland rainforests and provides the perfect entry point to exploring the stunning Great Barrier Reef. With strong biological and environmental science curricula, the university offers students a unique experience with natural flora and fauna also inhabiting the campuses. Non-science majors will also find a variety of courses to meet their academic needs and students are housed in on-campus accommodations where a strong sense of community abounds. After an informative and exciting 5-day orientation program in Cairns, students then experience to encounter Australia in her most authentic form.

Program Type(s):
Study Abroad
Program Length(s):
  • Fall
  • Spring
  • Academic Year
Relevant Study Subject(s):
  • Environmental Studies
  • Communication and Media Studies
  • Engineering
  • Social Sciences
  • International Relations
  • Visual and Performing Arts
  • Business Administration and Management
Minimum GPA:
Year Founded:
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The Education Abroad Network (TEAN) Scholarships

The Education Abroad Network Full Ride Scholarship is designed to give a stand-out student the opportunity to study abroad. Studying abroad is a personal journey and the winning applicant will show us not only the journey they’ve been on to arrive at this point, but also the journey they envision studying abroad will entail. This annual scholarship can be used for TEAN program and covers tuition, program fees and orientation orientation (up to $15,000 value).

Up to $15,000 USD

Oct 15

- Students can apply for a Merit, Need or Diversity TEAN Scholarship by the deadline to be considered. - Must meet the GPA and eligibility requirements for the individual program(s) that they want to attend. - Disbursement can only be applied towards total program fees. Cash disbursements will not be made under any circumstances. - Scholarship applications received after the deadline will not be considered.




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