The Education Abroad Network (TEAN): Sydney - University of New South Wales

15 recent reviews

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Within walking distance of stunning Coogee Beach and home to Australia’s oldest study abroad program, the University of New South Wales offers students an impressive array of courses to choose from and a comfortable campus in which to do so. UNSW ... read more

All Reviews

Based on 15 Reviews
Cost of Living
Overall Experience
I gained invaluable experiences and memories that I'll never forget. I'm still very close with the friends I've made while I was abroad and I'll be forever grateful for that. - Indiana University - Bloomington View Entire Review
I learned a lot about my willingness to jump into deep waters (literally and figuratively). I challenged myself, I tried new foods, I made lifelong friends, and I learned what it means to represent your culture while learn about one different than your own. I’m so proud of myself for sticking with the decision to study abroad a... - University of Wisconsin - Madison View Entire Review
My trip was worthwhile, definitely. I like to tell people that it's the best decision I've made in college. From studying abroad, I learned about not only my own culture, but a few other ones as well. I got to meet American students from all over the states that taught me new slang and the fun things they do in their towns. Then... - California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo View Entire Review
I would recommend studying abroad to anyone I know! It gave me the chance to learn more about myself and the people I was surrounded with. I was able to immerse myself in a different culture, a beautiful country, and learn so much about the world outside of what I am used to. You immediately make memories that you will reflect u... - UMass Lowell View Entire Review
I gained so much including cross cultural communication skills, funny stories, many memories, and more independence. It was definitely worth it!! - University of New Hampshire View Entire Review
I gained independence, learned so much about myself and got the opportunity to explore so many new, exciting and beautiful places! It was definitely worthwhile! A semester I'll remember for a lifetime! - University of Maryland - College Park View Entire Review
Past Review Time Of My Life
I think I gained a better understanding of what my interest in life are. When I left the U.S. for the first time in high school, I was amazed when I came back, as my entire scope on the world had gotten bigger. It was really cool, but I didn’t get a lot of lasting impacts from it. This time, after being abroad for 5 months, I go... - University of Rhode Island View Entire Review
I gained independence and confidence while abroad. - University of Hartford View Entire Review
Past Review Always Australia
The personal growth I experienced in Australia along with the lasting friendships and memories made it a completely worthwhile opportunity. Working in a foreign country provided me global business exposure. My classes and the Advertising and PR Society that I joined gave me lasting knowledge and friendships. The available help f... - University of Michigan - Ann Arbor View Entire Review
I gained experiences and memories that I would have never had the chance to if I didn't study abroad with TEAN. I met three of my now best friends on this trip. Everyone on the program, employees and students, were so friendly and we all formed such a special bond that I believe can only be achieved when studying abroad. This wa... - Towson University View Entire Review
My experience was 100% worthwhile. I had the best time of my life and learned a lot.I learned how to get acclimated to a new culture and got to explore a new country. TEAN is amazing and helps you every step of the way. They made studying abroad even more fun by offering super awesome weekend/semester break excursions as well as... - University of Arkansas - Fayetteville View Entire Review
Past Review We're Coogee
An entire semester in Sydney was a whole new experience. Picking up and moving to another country teaches you so many lessons that you can only learn from being abroad. I learned what it's like to deal with a time change of 16 hours, as well as moving in with people I had never met before, and wouldn't change any of it. It was g... - Clemson University View Entire Review
A student studying abroad with The Education Abroad Network (TEAN): Sydney - University of New South Wales
I grew so much during my semester in Australia. I met people who have really impacted my life and had so many adventures. I really discovered how much more is out there in the world. - University of Dayton View Entire Review
My abroad experience was so worthwhile! I gained so much throughout my time abroad. I learned how to step out of my comfort zone (through adventures like skydiving, eating new foods, and taking classes in new fields). I made lifelong friends in such a short period of time, countless memories, and gained newfound confidence and i... - University of Michigan - Ann Arbor View Entire Review
I matured so much from going abroad. I would do it again in a heartbeat. All of my home friends noticed such a difference in me when I returned home, and I have gained so much respect for other cultures and how they operate. - Quinnipiac University View Entire Review
It was absolutely worthwhile! It was an amazing experience to go live across the world for 4 months and adapt to a new city and new culture. - University of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh View Entire Review
Studying abroad with TEAN offered me all the excitement of studying abroad without any of the hassles. TEAN made all the ground work so simple. They helped me to set my class schedule, provided detailed instructions on how to apply for a visa, and set up my housing for me. This was a huge relief! The experienced and knowledgeabl... - University of Maryland - College Park View Entire Review
I learned to be independent, manage my own finances, and to take control of my health. It was the most incredible time and experience of my life. - University of Wisconsin - Madison View Entire Review
There are so many things I gained from my time abroad but the most important thing I gained from my experience was independence. It takes a lot of guts to fly across the world, not knowing a single person, for 5 months and be okay. It was definitely worthwhile. - University of Kentucky View Entire Review
I felt as though I grew as a person and got out of my comfort zone. It was such an eye opening experience. - University of Hartford View Entire Review
I learned a whole other cultural lifestyle that was completely worthwhile. - Pace University View Entire Review
Studying abroad is 100% worth it. I absolutely loved every second of my experience in Australia. I learned a lot about myself and really how to live on my gets difficult when mom and dad are on the other side of the world!!! - California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo View Entire Review
Oooooohhhh yeahhhhh it was worthwhile. It cost me a fair amount but it was totally worth every single 5 cent piece (Australia doesn't have pennies). Studying abroad will literally be the best time of your life so just do it! I really learned how to experience and appreciate other cultures and other people. I learned how to handl... - University of Kentucky View Entire Review
I learned about different cultures and what it was like to live in a foreign country and adapt to a new way of living. I would not change this experience for anything. I gained new perspectives and new friends from all over the world. - Miami University View Entire Review
A student studying abroad with The Education Abroad Network (TEAN): Sydney - University of New South Wales
Going across the world to study abroad not knowing a single soul was one of the craziest and scariest things I have ever done. But big risk big reward right? RIGHT. My experience abroad was unbelievably rewarding in so many ways and a lot of that I owe to TEAN. I learned things about myself, others, different cultures, and so mu... - University of Rhode Island View Entire Review


Within walking distance of stunning Coogee Beach and home to Australia’s oldest study abroad program, the University of New South Wales offers students an impressive array of courses to choose from and a comfortable campus in which to do so. UNSW students have guaranteed living arrangements in our Sydney off-campus housing as well as the option to reside in our beachside housing, literally steps away from Coogee Beach. Students participating in our UNSW study abroad program have access to exciting spring break excursions, including destinations such as New Zealand’s South Island and exotic Thailand. Begin the experience with an exciting 5-day Orientation Excursion in Cairns exploring the Great Barrier Reef and you have the makings of a one-of-a-kind semester at UNSW!

Program Type(s):
Study Abroad
Program Length(s):
  • Fall
  • Spring
  • Academic Year
Instruction Language(s):
  • English
Relevant Study Subject(s):
  • Environmental Studies
  • Architecture
  • Communication and Media Studies
  • Computer and Information Sciences
  • Engineering
  • Psychology
  • International Relations
  • Visual and Performing Arts
  • Business Administration and Management
Minimum GPA:
Year Founded:
Take me there!


The Education Abroad Network (TEAN) Scholarships

The Education Abroad Network Full Ride Scholarship is designed to give a stand-out student the opportunity to study abroad. Studying abroad is a personal journey and the winning applicant will show us not only the journey they’ve been on to arrive at this point, but also the journey they envision studying abroad will entail. This annual scholarship can be used for TEAN program and covers tuition, program fees and orientation orientation (up to $15,000 value).

Up to $15,000 USD

Oct 15

- Students can apply for a Merit, Need or Diversity TEAN Scholarship by the deadline to be considered. - Must meet the GPA and eligibility requirements for the individual program(s) that they want to attend. - Disbursement can only be applied towards total program fees. Cash disbursements will not be made under any circumstances. - Scholarship applications received after the deadline will not be considered.




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